En - Descriere proiect ”Achizitia de echipamente performante pentru diversificarea/extinderea activitatii Filtre Aer Curat SRL”
En SC FILTRE AER CURAT SRL in calitate de beneficiar anunta finalizarea activitatilor proiectului “Achizitia de echipamente performante pentru diversificarea/extinderea activitatii Filtre Aer Curat SRL“, Cod SMIS 113435.
20.000 HEPA and ULPA filters per year for ultrafine filtration
20,000 pcs of HEPA and ULPA filters for ultra-fine filtration can be produced annually in Eversted plant. Among the most efficient filters category, HEPA and ULPA filters can be used to remove...
Eversted ensure air purity on warships
Eversted, leader in the production of air filters, becomes supplier of air filters for one of the Romanian warships – Maritime Dragon DM30. Following detailed analysis of filters and conditions previously used...
Eversted open a new production unit
Eversted, the leader in air filtration solutions in Romania, announces the opening of a new production unit starting with 2017. The production unit will be located in Mizil (Romania) and will host...
Over 30 years of certified performance
Eversted is the first and unique local manufacturer of air filters. We started in the early 80’s, a department “unique small industries”, as attested by a newspaper article published on 18.09.1984. A...
Filtre Aer Curat becomes Eversted
Following a rebranding process which started in 2016, Filtre Aer Curat becomes Eversted, the defender of air purity. A new name, a new motto – Long life to air purity, and a fresh...