About us
En / About us
La Eversted, credem ca de puritatea aerului pe care il respiram depinde si calitatea vietii de zi cu zi. Cu cat inspiram un aer mai curat in mediul de lucru, acasa sau in locurile in care ne petrecem timpul liber, cu atat vom trai o viata mai sanatoasa si mai prospera.
De aceea, ne-am luat angajamentul de a fi primii in apararea puritatii aerului, in toate spatiile in care oamenii traiesc, lucreaza sau se destind. Facem asta cu dedicare si responsabilitate de mai bine de 30 de ani. Portofoliul nostru cuprinde solutii complete pentru filtrarea aerului: de la filtrare grosiera, fina si ultrafina, pana la accesorii si servicii conexe de consultanta, garantate de expertiza specialistilor nostri.
”Viata lunga puritatii aerului” este promisiunea pe care o facem in fiecare zi partenerilor si clientilor nostri si dupa care ne ghidam in tot ceea ce facem intern. Vrem ca solutiile pe care le oferim, de la filtrele de aer, pana la recomandarile specialistilor nostri privind buna functionare a instalatiilor de ventilatie-climatizare, sa asigure puritatea aerului in mod continuu, pentru ca fiecare sa poata respira un aer curat si sanatos.
Istoria noastra incepe odata cu istoria productiei de filtre de aer in Romania – in 1982 se deschidea, la Gura Vadului, Jud. Prahova, prima fabrica de filtre de aer, o premiera nationala. Intre timp, fabrica de la Gura Vadului a ramas singura unitate autohtona de productie filtre de aer.
Am crescut pas cu pas, ne-am marit portofoliul de produse, am facut investitii in liniile tehnologice de productie si am imbunatatit constant performanta serviciilor si produselor noastre.
Cele mai importante repere din istoria noastra:
We believe in the power of the Romanian entrepreneurial business and in the quality of the products manufactured with responsibility in Romania. We are proud to be the sole Romanian manufacturer of air filters and a 100% Romanian business.
The expertise gained in over 30 years of production, the dedication of our team of specialists and our constant efforts of making qualitative products (from raw materials, to manufacturing process) help us deliver best in class air filtration solutions. We want locally manufactured products to be appreciated internationally. That is why we promote the quality of the products made in Romania with our complete solutions portfolio.
We believe in a job well done. We are dedicated to our work because we know that people’s lives depend on it when they breathe the air that circulates through our filters. The certifications we have obtained validate the quality of the products and the services we offer.
Over time, we have obtained the following certifications and accreditations: